A machine roomless (MRL) elevator is a type of elevator that does not require a separate machine room to house its machinery. Instead, the hoisting machine and control equipment are located in the hoistway, which is the shaft that the elevator car travels in. This design saves space and makes MRL elevators a popular choice for low- to mid-rise buildings.
Advantages of MRL elevators
Space-saving: MRL elevators do not require a separate machine room, which can free up valuable floor space in a building.
Energy-efficient: MRL elevators typically use less energy than traditional elevators, thanks to their use of gearless traction machines and regenerative drives.
Quieter operation: MRL elevators are typically quieter than traditional elevators, as the machinery is located in the hoistway and not in a separate room.
Lower installation costs: MRL elevators are typically easier and less expensive to install than traditional elevators.